My very first book, The Dog With No Ears, was written when I was five.

I folded printing paper in half and sewed or stapled the pages in so it could flip like a “real” book and it was also illustrated by me.

Now, clearly, a five year old can only do so much so I’m sure I had help but that didn’t deter me from being proud of my book! I remember I excitedly presented it to my dad at one of our visits (in true GenXer fashion, my parents divorced when I was very young), and I also remember how happy he was with his gift.

I don’t  know what happened to that book but it was made with love, determination, and hope. The best kind of recipe for writing there is.

I have always written something, somewhere, everywhere, and anywhere.  Recently, I was repacking boxes full of mementos and I came across journals upon journals, most half written and written in different stages of my life. Later, I would transport my journalling to writing online where I chronicled my life for over two decades. I’ve now moved again to a newsletter. I’m closing in on my 200th issue.

Now, I keep up my newsletter and also write reviews, poetry, prose, short stories, and other interesting things.

Do I think I’m a good writer?

When a piece gets accepted for publication, then yes. Most of the time? No.

You be the judge.

Member affiliationsRWA, Sisters in Crime, Hearts Through History, Contemporary Romance Writers, Kiss of Death, Great Lakes Fiction Writers, Sisters in Crime, and Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal